
Año  Autores y Titulo
2024 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An a posteriori error analysis for an augmented discontinuous Galerkin method applied to Stokes problem. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol 40 (5), e23100, (2024).
2023 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Camila CAMPOS: A note on a posteriori error analysis for dual mixed methods with mixed boundary conditions. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 39, 5, pp. 3897-3918 (2023).
2022 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Camila CAMPOS: An a posteriori error estimator for a non homogeneous Dirichlet problem considering a dual mixed formulation. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 549-568 (2022).
2022 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: Numerical analysis of a stabilized scheme applied to incompressible elasticity problems with Dirichlet and with mixed boundary conditions. Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol 48, Article number 43 (2022).
2021 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An a posteriori error estimate for a dual mixed method applied to Stokes system with non-null source terms. Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol. 47, 5, Paper no. 77 (2021).
2020 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An a-priori error analysis for discontinuous Lagrangian finite elements applied to nonconforming dual-mixed formulations: Poisson and Stokes problems. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, vol 52, pp. 455-479, (2020).
2020 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: A stabilized mixed method applied to Stokes system with nonhomogeneous source terms: The stationary case. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 92, pp. 509-527, (2020).
2020 Rommel BUSTINZA, Jonathan MUNGUIA-LA-COTERA: A hybrid high-order formulation for a Neumann problem on polytopal meshes. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 36, 3, pp. 524-551 (2020).
2019 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Galina C. GARCíA, María GONZáLEZ: An a posteriori error analysis of a velocity-pseudostress formulation of the generalized Stokes problem. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol 357, pp. 349-365, (2019).
2019 Rommel BUSTINZA, Ariel L. LOMBARDI, Manuel E. SOLANO: An anisotropic a priori error analysis for a convection-dominated diffusion problem using the HDG method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 345, pp. 382-401, (2019).
2018 Rommel BUSTINZA, Bibiana LóPEZ-RODRíGUEZ, Mauricio OSORIO: An a priori error analysis of an HDG method for an eddy current problem. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 41, 7, pp. 2795-2810, (2018).
2017 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Felipe SANCHEZ: Analysis of DG approximations for Stokes problem based on velocity-pseudostress formulation. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 33, 5, pp. 1540-1564, (2017).
2016 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: A note on a priori error estimates for augmented mixed methods. Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 57, pp. 139-144, (2016).
2016 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Víctor DOMíNGUEZ: Adaptive numerical solution of a discontinuous Galerkin method for a Helmholtz problem in low-frequency regime. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 300, pp. 312-340, (2016).
2015 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Galina C. GARCíA, María GONZáLEZ: An a posteriori error estimator for a new stabilized formulation of the Brinkman problem. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2013, Abdulle, A. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 103, pp. 253-261, Springer Verlag, 2015.
2012 Rommel BUSTINZA, Francisco-Javier SAYAS: Error estimates for an LDG method applied to Signorini type problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol 52, 2, pp. 322-339, (2012).
2012 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Galina C. GARCíA, Erwin HERNáNDEZ: On stabilized mixed methods for generalized Stokes problem based on the velocity-pseudostress formulation: A priori error estimates. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 237-240, pp. 78-87, (2012).
2012 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An a posteriori error analysis of an augmented discontinuous Galerkin formulation for Darcy flow. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 120, 2, pp. 231-269, (2012).
2010 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: A priori and a posteriori error analyses of an augmented discontinuous Galerkin formulation. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 30, 4, pp. 987-1008, (2010) .
2008 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An augmented DG scheme for porous media equations. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings ENUMATH 2007, K. Kunisch, G. Of and O. Steinbach (eds.), pp. 315-322, Springer Verlag, 2008.
2008 Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Francisco-Javier SAYAS: On the coupling of local discontinuous Galerkin and boundary element methods for nonlinear exterior transmission problems. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 28, 2, pp. 225-244, (2008).
2007 Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Francisco-Javier SAYAS: A look at how LDG and BEM can be coupled. ESAIM Proceedings, vol. 21, pp. 88-97, (2007).
2007 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An augmented discontinuous Galerkin method for elliptic problems. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Series I, vol. 344, pp. 53-58, (2007).
2006 Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Francisco-Javier SAYAS: A LDG-BEM coupling for a class of nonlinear exterior transmission problems. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005 (A. Berm-dez de Castro, D. G-mez, P. Quintela, and Pilar Salgado, eds.), pp. 1129-1136, Springer Verlag, 2006.
2006 Rommel BUSTINZA: A unified analysis of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for a class of nonlinear problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 56, 10-11, pp. 1293-1306, (2006).
2005 Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA, María GONZáLEZ: A mixed finite element method for the generalized Stokes problem. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 49, 8, pp. 877-903, (2005).
2005 Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA: A mixed local discontinuous Galerkin method for a class of nonlinear problems in fluid mechanics. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 207, 2, pp. 427-456, (2005).
2005 Rommel BUSTINZA, Bernardo COCKBURN, Gabriel N. GATICA: An a-posteriori error estimate for the local discontinuous Galerkin method applied to linear and nonlinear diffusion problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 22, 1, pp. 147-185, (2005).
2005 Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA, María GONZáLEZ, Salim MEDDAHI, Ernst P. STEPHAN: Enriched finite element subspaces for dual-dual mixed formulations in fluid mechanics and elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 194, 2-5, pp. 427-439, (2005).
2004 Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA: A local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear diffusion problems with mixed boundary conditions. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 26, 1, pp. 152-177, (2004).
2004 Rommel BUSTINZA, Galina C. GARCíA, Gabriel N. GATICA: A mixed finite element method with Lagrange multipliers for nonlinear exterior transmission problems . Numerische Mathematik, vol. 96, 3, pp. 481-523, (2004).
Investigadores: Título
Tomás BARRIOS (P): Error estimates for new computer methods in continuum mechanicsMarzo 1, 2020
Marzo 31, 2024
Gabriel N. GATICA (P), Julio ARACENA, Rodolfo ARAYA, Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Rommel BUSTINZA, Jessika CAMAÑO, Anahi GAJARDO, Luis F. GATICA, David MORA, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Manuel SOLANO, Luis M. VILLADA: Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM), Universidad de ChileMayo 2013
Mayo 2021
Tomás BARRIOS (P): Error Estimates for new Computer Methods in Continuum Mechanic.
Abril 1, 2020
Marzo 31, 2024
Rommel BUSTINZA (P), : Applications of mixed hybrid high order methods to linear and nonlinear steady problems in continuum mechanics.
Marzo 1, 2018
Marzo 31, 2020
Tomás BARRIOS (P): Circumventing the Inf-Sup Condition via Stabilisation Techniques: A Priori and A Posteriori Error Analyses.
Marzo 1, 2017
Marzo 31, 2020
Gabriel N. GATICA (P), Julio ARACENA, Rodolfo ARAYA, Fernando BETANCOURT, Rommel BUSTINZA, Raimund BüRGER, Jessika CAMAñO, Anahi GAJARDO, Luis F. GATICA, David MORA, Ricardo OYARZúA, Rodolfo RODRíGUEZ, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Manuel E. SOLANO : Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM), Universidad de Chile .
Mayo 1, 2013
Abril 30, 2021
Rommel BUSTINZA (P): Further applications of stabilized DG and HDG methods to linear and nonlinear steady problems in continuum mechanics .
Marzo 15, 2013
Marzo 15, 2017
ACT 1118
Raimund BüRGER (P), Rodolfo ARAYA, Rommel BUSTINZA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Norbert HEUER, Carlos JEREZ-HANCKES, David MORA, Ignacio MUGA, Ricardo OYARZúA, Rodolfo RODRíGUEZ, Frank SANHUEZA : Anillo de Investigación en Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales (ANANUM)..
Enero 1, 2013
Diciembre 31, 2015
Rommel BUSTINZA (P), : New Developments of Augmented Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Boundary Value Problems in Continuum Mechanics.
Marzo 15, 2008
Febrero 15, 2012
Raimund BüRGER (P), Julio ARACENA, Rodolfo ARAYA, Fernando BETANCOURT, Rommel BUSTINZA, Fabián FLORES-BAZáN, Anahi GAJARDO, Gabriel N. GATICA, Carlos M. MORA, Rodolfo RODRíGUEZ, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA : Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM), Universidad de Chile..
Marzo 15, 2008
Marzo 15, 2017
Rommel BUSTINZA (P): Further Applications of Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods to Linear and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems.
Mayo 15, 2005
Diciembre 31, 2005
Rommel BUSTINZA (P): Further Applications of Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods to Linear and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems..
Marzo 15, 2005
Diciembre 31, 2008
Número  Autores y Titulo
2024-15 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: On the approximation of the Lamé equations considering nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition: A new approach
2024-09 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Jose M. CASCON: An a posteriori error estimator for an augmented variational formulation of the Brinkman problem with mixed boundary conditions and non-null source terms
2024-03 Rommel BUSTINZA, Matteo CICUTTIN, Ariel L. LOMBARDI: A Hybrid High-Order method for the mixed Steklov eigenvalue problem
2021-09 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: Numerical analysis of a stabilized mixed method applied to incompressible elasticity problems with Dirichlet and with mixed boundary conditions
2020-14 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An a posteriori error estimate for a dual mixed method applied to Stokes system with non null source terms
2020-12 Rommel BUSTINZA, Matteo CICUTTIN, Jonathan MUNGUIA-LA-COTERA: A mixed Hybrid High-Order formulation for linear interior transmission elliptic problems
2020-10 Rommel BUSTINZA, Jonathan MUNGUIA-LA-COTERA: An a priori error analysis for a class of nonlinear elliptic problems applying the hybrid high-order method
2020-08 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Camila CAMPOS: A note on a posteriori error estimates for dual mixed methods
2019-11 Tomás BARRIOS, Edwin BEHRENS, Rommel BUSTINZA: A stabilised mixed method applied to compressible fluid flow: The stationary case
2019-05 Rommel BUSTINZA, Jonathan MUNGUIA-LA-COTERA: An HHO formulation for a Neumann problem on general meshes
2018-19 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An a posteriori error analysis for an augmented DG method applied to Stokes problem
2018-11 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An a priori error analysis for discontinuous Lagrangian finite elements applied to nonconforming dual mixed formulations: Poisson and Stokes problems
2016-19 Rommel BUSTINZA, Ariel L. LOMBARDI, Manuel E. SOLANO: An anisotropic a priori error analysis for a convection-dominated diffusion problem using the HDG method
2016-04 Rommel BUSTINZA, Bibiana LóPEZ-RODRíGUEZ, Mauricio OSORIO: An a priori error analysis of an HDG method for an eddy current problem
2013-13 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Víctor DOMíNGUEZ: On the discontinuous Galerkin method for solving boundary problems for the Helmholtz equation: A priori and a posteriori error analyses
2013-03 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Galina C. GARCíA, María GONZáLEZ: A posteriori error analyses of a velocity-pseudostress formulation of the generalized Stokes problem
2011-27 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Galina C. GARCíA, Erwin HERNáNDEZ: A stabilized mixed method for generalized Stokes problem based on the velocity-pseudostress formulation: A priori error estimates and an optimal control problem
2010-25 Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA: An augmented discontinuous Galerkin method for stationary Stokes problem
2010-17 Rommel BUSTINZA, Francisco-Javier SAYAS: Error estimates for an LDG method applied to Signorini type problems